

My work consists of analog collage. I create minimal pieces, trying to find ways to tell as much as I need with just a few cuts of paper. The process starts with collecting old books and magazines, sometimes I find them in the actual street, which becomes a direct act of recycling, and I find others in charity and second hand shops. Then, the most important for me is to create a space of tranquility where I can be entirely present and immerse myself into the images that surround me. I find the limitations of analog collage very attractive. Each cut has its size and tone, certain characteristics that are inalterable and others which have been achieved by time; and you have to work with and around them. An active process of change and self-knowledge. I find collage a great tool with which to express and comprehend mental states and sensations, both conscious and unconscious, in a pure and accessible way.

Artist WebsiteVisit ShopDedicated Issue
Vestirse En Exceso, 2022
Paper on paper
A Home, 2021
Paper on paper
Dar Lo Mejor, 2021
Paper on paper
Dentro, 2021
Paper on paper
Para No Olvidar,2021
Paper on paper
Jaula, 2021
Paper on paper
Limpiar La Mente, 2021
Paper on paper
Pensamientos, 2021
Paper and ink on paper
Swan Song, 2021
Paper on paper
Una Mente Despierta, 2021
Paper on paper