Maximo Tuja, professionally known as Max-o-matic, is an artist, designer, and podcast host. His collages blend organic compositions with meticulously selected images, building dramatic narratives that blur time and space. As much of an illustrator as a collage artist, he is also an excellent curator and community organizer. He has brought together collage lovers from around the world through his platform, The Weird Show.
I work in contemporary collage as a way to re-signify elements of everyday culture in a way where the real adopts the form of the impossible. I create time tunnels, connections between parallel worlds. I’m driven by the tension between conceptualization and the thoughtless and impulsive act of creation. I aim to tell abstract stories that are reassembled and completed by the viewer.
Max-o-Matic was born in 1975 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is currently based in Barcelona, Spain.
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Out and About
What to watch, read, and experience, as curated by the Collé team.