Collage, 16 x 24 in.
Laurie Kanyer is an artist, collector, and writer, in no particular order. Her symmetrical collages are playfully constructed worlds that, upon further examination, blossom as meticulous and detailed architectural structures. Existing standalone on white backdrops, Kayner aims to provide sanctuaries where viewers are able to to pause, meditate, reflect, with the goal of igniting curiosity and wonder.

Collage, 16 x 24 in.

Collage, 16 x 24 in.
My collages are shines of hope and transformation. They have a strong architectural influence that harkens to the influence of ancient wonders of the world. They have often been referred to as having a totem-like presence, with layers of hidden and known symbolism. For me they represent the essence of life. It is the symbol for so many life forces such as body, mind, spirit, or the past, present, future or sun, moon and stars. I begin and end each collage with a triangle. This is an opening and closing ritual to my practice that offers continuity and grounding to each of the works.
Laurie Kanyer

Collage, 16 x 24 in.

Collage, 16 x 24 in.
Laurie Kanyer was born in 1959 in Yakima, Washington, where she is still based today.
Out and About
What to watch, read, and experience, as curated by the Collé team.