In 2017, Doug Schulte embarked on an artistic odyssey into the world of analog collage, driven by a desire to unlock his creative potential. By meticulously dismantling antique publications and ephemeral paper artifacts, Schulte crafts complex narratives that shun traditional linearity in favor of raw abstraction.
Collage, as a medium, is a great democratizer that lets the artist compose without requiring extensive technical training or tools. It is endlessly diverse as a form, sourcing from a near infinite supply of paper and other materials, and open to a variety of methods and experimentation. And the community that has grown around collage is welcoming and inclusive, providing artists at all levels with support, opportunities, and inspiration.
Doug Schulte
My mixed media / collage work provides me with an opportunity for expression across a range of methods and styles, integrating paint, collage, decollage, image transfer techniques, photography, and assemblage. My work reassembles often inconsequential elements cut from vintage magazines and other paper ephemera into non-linear, abstracted narratives that invite interpretation. I prefer to work intuitively without a theme or destination in mind. Through a cycle of collecting, cutting, tearing, assembling, marking, and peeling away elements, I let the materials lead me to a composition that is visually and emotionally resonant. I embrace the happy accident, where unlikely or unexpected juxtapositions of images, colors, or textures transcend the source materials and evoke some new meaning or emotion.
Doug Schulte
Doug Schulte was born in 1965 in Washington, DC. He is currently based in Arlington, Virginia, USA.
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Out and About
What to watch, read, and experience, as curated by the Collé team.