
March 7, 2023
March 19, 2024
Vacuum, 2021
Photograph, 23 x 20.5 in.

Charles Purvis creates digital collages and abstract photographs on 4x5 color film. He has amassed a significant portfolio of innovative work that reflects his expertise in composing collages from the fundamental components of photography - camera, light, and film. His oeuvre attests to the expansive potential of photography as a medium of artistic expression.

Assemblage 24, 2022
Photograph, 23 x 30.5 in.

Collage is the combining of formally unassociated objects and images to create new associations, new meaning possibilities, and hints of diverging realities. It represents an extra-ordinary expansion of perception and conception, contradicting consensus experience. The sources of my material are my own photographs. Each image is made of parts of itself, reconfigured and reapplied, with the intention to evolve the image beyond that of photographic representation.

Charles Purvis

Bittersweet, 2022
Photograph, 23 x 30.5 in.

These images are not primarily concerned with a literal or symbolic reading of the object. Meaning is challenged by the way the object is defamiliarized through formal means. Much of the work references the materiality of the traditional medium and the plasticity of the digital as performative objects integrated into the structure and meaning of the image. My interest is to evolve the image away from literal representation and evolve the viewers’ relationship with the image beyond one of accepting what is proffered as reality.

Charles Purvis

Construct, 2021
Photograph, 23 x 20.5 in.
Red Surrounds Us, 9/2021
Photograph, 23 x 20.5 in.

Charles Purvis was born on 1954 in California, USA. He is currently based in upstate New York, USA.

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