Analog collage on Canson paper, 21 x 21 cm
Emily Geirnaert's practice explores the realm of memory. Drawing upon the surrealistic tradition, her pieces are imbued with a dreamlike quality, where seemingly disparate objects and figures are combined to form enigmatic compositions. Geirnaert's work captures the intangible and elusive energy of our thoughts, emotions, and subconscious beliefs. This unseen force endows her work with a magnetic pull, drawing the viewer into the psychological scenes she constructs.

Analog collage on Canson paper, 21 x 21 cm
Collage is to me a way of expressing myself deeply when I can’t find words for it. A magical medicine that helps me in life to find appeasement.
Emily Geirnaert

Analog collage on Canson paper, 14.8 x 14.8 cm
Emily Geirnaert is an analog collage artist based in Paris. She uses discarded fragments of the past and present, which are reimagined in accidental or deliberate juxtapositions to create new images – surreal worlds inhabited by exciting new possibilities. Cut or torn imagery and paper are juxtaposed, sometimes layered, and reassembled. The underlying theme of her work explores and references memory and dreams. How memories are stored over time, how they can surface at any given, random moment, and how they are lost (some temporarily) or become fragmented often into smaller memories. A collage can begin with a specific idea or theme or be triggered in response to the imagery that catches her eye.
Courtesy of Emily Geirnaert

Analog collage on Canson paper, 21 x 21 cm

Analog collage on Canson paper, 21 x 21 cm
Emily Geirnaert is currently based in Paris, France.
For Your Viewing Pleasure
What to watch, read, and experience, as curated by the Collé team.
Out and About
What to watch, read, and experience, as curated by the Collé team.