
January 24, 2023
March 11, 2024
Flower Receipt 18, 2022
Paper collage, 19.2 x 21 cm

Danim Yoon is an artist who engages in the medium of collage through an avant-garde methodology. She utilizes materials such as discarded receipts and magazine scraps to construct surreal paper landscapes that possess a contemporary sensibility. Yoon’s compositions prompt the viewer to re-examine their preconceptions of reality, encouraging them to adopt a more nuanced perspective on the nature of the world.

There is Too Much of Me Inside Me 6, 2022
Paper collage, 27 x 28.5 cm

Collage makes me feel liberated. I’m a sensitive and emotional person, so I overthink every single thing. But the process of making a collage is conducted as intuitively as possible. Turning over the page of a magazine, finding a favorite image, cutting out the image with scissors, and finally making a collage, I do all these things without thinking. Collage means “freedom” to me in one word.

Danim Yoon

Flower Receipt 17, 2022
Paper collage, 21 x 19.2 cm
There is Too Much of Me Inside Me 5, 2022
Paper collage, 27.4 x 30 cm

I usually make collages with second-hand magazines. FIND-CUT-PASTE, the process of making an artwork is conducted as intuitively as possible. I would like to do without setting any topic or theme. Rather than setting a specific topic and working on it. I just focus on the image itself and my feelings at that time. I work depending on intuition, impulse, and coincidence, but whenever I do, it is inevitable that my taste or intention (un)consciously affects. So I call my collage artwork an inevitable result of coincidence, 'Inevitable Coincidence'.

Danim Yoon

Black is the Warmest Color, 2021
Paper collage, 30 x 30 cm

Danim Yoon is currently based in South Korea.

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