
January 27, 2023
March 19, 2024
Pouring Pitcher, 2022
Found photographs, hand coloring ink, on paper
15 x 11.25 in.

Joe Rudko is a prolific artist who alters and transforms personal and found photographs using diverse methods. His work oscillates between the ultra-minimal to the maximal, demonstrating a studio practice embedded in exploration and experimentation. In some works, one photograph is split into just a few parts, while in others, he deconstructs multiple photographs to create densely repetitive and layered geometric collages. From afar, the work may appear as if they were manipulated using digital techniques. However, Rudko prefers analog processes and is known to merge photography with traditional drawing techniques and materials.

Yellow Flower, 2022
Found photographs, hand coloring ink, on paper
15 x 11.25 in.

Collage is a way to dance with what is.

Joe Rudko

Flower Form, 2022
Found photographs, on paper
15 x 11.25 in.
Bloom, 2022
Found photographs, on paper
15 x 11.25 in.

Joe Rudko deconstructs and reassembles personal and found photographs with the fine-tuned precision of a historian. Grids of similar hues, alternating bands of contrasting color, and unrecognizable snippets of objects cohere into new unified forms. Rudko’s collages rely on complex patterns of repetition and unexpected symmetries to achieve an overarching, inexplicable sense of calm.

Courtesy of Joe Rudko

Still Life Adjustment, 2022
Found photographs, hand coloring ink, on paper
15 x 11.25 inches

Joe Rudko lives and works in Seattle, Washington.

Out and About

How and where to engage with collage in the world around us.
What to watch, read, and experience, as curated by the Collé team.