

Lesley Finn is an American-British artist, writer, and educator based in Connecticut, USA. While studying for a PhD in medieval literature she began training in book arts and left academia to pursue that and other creative work. Her collages, which often examine the interplay between text and image, reflect her longtime fascination with books and other technologies of communication. Exploring themes of gender, transgenerational memory, and unusual kinships through an uncanny lens, she uses collage to trace the past that continues to shape the present. In addition to contributing to literary magazines and book projects, she has shown her work nationally in group and solo shows.

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who, 2022
paper and glue, 7.25 x 5 in.
little byzantium, 2022
paper and glue, 7.25 x 5 in.
gothic moon, 2022
paper and glue, 7.25 x 5 in.
capitals, 2022
paper and glue, 7.25 x 5 in.
niche adoring, 2022
paper and glue, 7.25 x 5 in.